About NED Society

Introduction and Objective….
NED Society was established for the people of Blochistan, in particular. The society strives hard to educate the youth with no discrimination to language, cast or religion but for the human beings no matter who ever, as a matter of fact for the poor and girls primarily. This is also kept in focus to introduce the up-to-date modern technology learning/training for the youth. Though also educate the teachers with modern teaching techniques.
It is indeed a prime duty to overcome the hardships for the girls regarding education or rather quality one particularly in rural areas of Balochistan. Recently a project has been designed to mindful the rural female with the direction and help for acquiring best learning. Thus a 25% initial scholarship fund has been allocated to at least cover the basic necessities for a particular time and further there are consultations and interactions.
Since 1994-95 thousands of students been privileged with the modern leanings’ in various forums. Same individuals are the back bone in the country’s progress and striving ahead respectfully.
NED Society aims to interact with every community; in every part of Balochistan furthers with an interaction on national and international levels, to random access and development information widely. Students can share their experiences with each other and collaborate for quality education.
The NED society’s English Medium School is defiantly a huge triumph where students been educated with modern and up-to-date learnings having the facilities such as Computer lab, English language classes, sporting facilities and specially designed courses. And every year 100 poor-students, scholarship program which includes streamlining their hops.
Being optimistic our aim is to contribute in Nation’s development process though back our province along with other provinces in interaction to acquire best knowledge and wisdom. Follow the alleyway which advanced countries like America and Europe being the best examples of accomplishments have predominantly in the field of edification.
The education for girls mainly in rural areas of Baluchistan is just 2% of total literacy rate. Keeping the fact in view, NED Society designs a plan to train teachers in rural areas of the Province.  Further is needed the awareness in those areas by the support of their families and notables. 
Every year trees are planted to diminish the Environmental challenges in the city of Quetta and make our city clean and green NED society has a clear vision to plant as many trees necessary or even more. Thus ban the polluted vehicles for sure.



(NED Society)

‘The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth’…..


NED Society Projects/ Achievements, Outlook; Pictorial
The project of NED society English Medium School was initiated back in 2001 with a vision to provide quality education with modern and up-to-date methods.  It was also ensured that there would be no burden on parents regarding fees, books, uniforms, so a very cheap fee structure offered in that regard particularly to poor and deserving students. It was also kept in focus that there should be no discrimination between rich and poor to strive for quality education.
A panel of five- intellectual designed the course though encompassed the modern methods being used in America and Europe. Books like AMERICAN INTERCOM, AMERICAN STREAMLINE were portioned for the English Language Classes.
A computer lab established in this regard, equipped with internet and fiber optic cable connection as to make the students aware to the modern technologies. Use Encarta, Encyclopedia and other sources of information to enhance their skills.
To date; free books, uniforms being provided to the poor students and exempted from fees as well.
Extra-curricular activities such as computer classes, drawing competition, Essay Writing, sports week, Math and Science contest have been the best results since. 
Another remarkable phase of NED Society was the Introduction of Computer Diplomas, short courses. Even we are proud to announce that back in 1994-95 we have introduced the Computer for the first time in Quetta city to common people to get admitted for a very low cost. Poor/commendable students since then to date are welcomed for free computer courses.
English as a foreign language; the English language classes brought incredible changes which were initiated along with the inspirational trail of PAKISTAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER. And now it’s been an honor for our city Quetta having maximum number of English language centers in Asia.
A fine arts faculty was established to introduce the natives with such an art which further fetches the artistic vision and competition to discover the hidden horizons. Fine arts exhibitions have been conducted simultaneously National and International from time and again.
NED society conducted several workshops on HIV AIDS, ENVOIRNMENT, TERRORISM, EDUCATION, POVERTY alleviation, Child Labor etc.
Every year NED Society plants several trees around the city to overcome the pollution problem to some extent. 
Debate contests have been conducted provincially, nationally and internationally to regard the spirit of competition and boost the quality of speech in students. Which gives every individual such huge confidence before the august gatherings. 
Essay writing contest nourished the art of writing amongest the students which further develops the interest in various forms of writing skills. 
Sports’ being an important activity both physically and mentally emerges youth towards positivity in every aspect of the life. A joint venture with YOUTH CLUB QUETTA has been instigated, under the supervision of Atta Mohammad Kakar (father of sports). Mr. Arshad Kasi the Executive Director NED Society himself is a sports person. He won several National and International competitions in Boxing though strongly contributions in this regard.
Excellence Awards and Zakat program cash and certificates distribution ceremony:
NED Society every year honors the extra ordinary achievements/contributions of people from different walks of life in their respective fields with excellence awards.
Every year numerous numbers of poor and deserving students, gets free Computer diplomas and short courses training at no cost, also get cash rewards by the completion of courses.

NED society announced a computer training program including hard ware courses along with other software programs/courses in 2004. A large number of students participated in this no cost trainings though from almost all districts of Balochistan. The participation of female students worth its value a hundred times more because it further encourage an enormous number of female to get a chance to acquire the best knowledge through up-to-date modern technology techniques.
Students were taught briefly even about every single thing relate to their course (s). Best faculty members made sure the quality teaching through internationally adopted methods. Multimedia projector connected power point slide presentations, handouts before the course were provided to the scholars, internet facility mean worth to learning. Every day refreshment (Tea and snacks) during 15 minutes break.

After the completion of  two-week training program students been rewarded certificates of achievements to acknowledge their efforts for  the success of the program. 

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