Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Nadir Khan Kasi Educational and Development Society (NEDS) has been registered with Social Welfare partment in the year 2003. The establishment of (NEDS) was dream which came into reality though the main aim was to set a plate form where quality education transfer to youth in an afforable and easy way.
Keeping in view a School was established in the same year and students admitted without any discrimination as well as every eyar ten (10) poor students get Scholoarship but also provided books, uniform and other necessary items to them.

Along with such activities (NEDS) has been working for the Evnironment , Child Labour and AIDS though pursuing all these activities, making them more effective a plate form has been set by the name of Leopard Academy where different faculties have been included such as English Language Programe, Computer Courses, Tuition and Fine Arts Classes.

The Fine Arts exhibition organized by (NEDS) wereh artists paricpated from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. The exhibition contuned for two weeks inaugurated by Mr. Rehmat Ali Baloch (EX-Elected member Balochistan Provincial Assembly) and the Chief Guest for closing ceremony was Mr. Raheem Kakar (EX-City Nazim).

Several debate constensts have been organized by (NEDS) that the 
students/participants enhace their skills and transfer their knoweldge and views about current and burning issues to the audience. This experiment increased the inner skills of participants infront of audience nodabout their remarkable abilities and performance got appericiation from viewers. 

During the year 2006-2007 many trees have been planted in the vicinity and also in the main grave yard of the city (Kasi Graveyard) the community was mobilized and a co-venture of the groups planted all these trees which will definatly shade over the people and bhelpful for the clean environment. Many poor and needy people wished quality education for their children but couldn’t afford (NEDS) has fulfilled their dreams. During six years (6) more then 12 hundred poor sutdents have been facilitated with uptodate and modern technology learning (Computer, English Language, Tuition, Fine Arts) without any fee.