Nadir Khan Kasi Educational and Development Society. NED Society (Reg)
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Nadir Khan Kasi Educational and Development Society (NEDS)
has been registered with Social Welfare partment in the year 2003. The establishment
of (NEDS) was dream which came into reality though the main aim was to set a
plate form where quality education transfer to youth in an afforable and easy
Keeping in view a School was established in the same year
and students admitted without any discrimination as well as every eyar ten (10)
poor students get Scholoarship but also provided books, uniform and other
necessary items to them.
Along with such activities (NEDS) has been working for the Evnironment , Child Labour and AIDS though pursuing all these activities, making them more effective a plate form has been set by the name of Leopard Academy where different faculties have been included such as English Language Programe, Computer Courses, Tuition and Fine Arts Classes.

The Fine Arts exhibition organized by (NEDS) wereh artists paricpated from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. The exhibition contuned for two weeks inaugurated by Mr. Rehmat Ali Baloch (EX-Elected member Balochistan Provincial Assembly) and the Chief Guest for closing ceremony was Mr. Raheem Kakar (EX-City Nazim).
Several debate constensts have been organized by (NEDS) that
students/participants enhace their skills and transfer their knoweldge and
views about current and burning issues to the audience. This experiment
increased the inner skills of participants infront of audience nodabout their remarkable
abilities and performance got appericiation from viewers.
During the year 2006-2007 many trees have been planted in
the vicinity and also in the main grave yard of the city (Kasi Graveyard) the
community was mobilized and a co-venture of the groups planted all these trees
which will definatly shade over the people and bhelpful for the clean
environment. Many poor and needy people wished quality education for
their children but couldn’t afford (NEDS) has fulfilled their dreams. During
six years (6) more then 12 hundred poor sutdents have been facilitated with
uptodate and modern technology learning (Computer, English Language, Tuition,
Fine Arts) without any fee.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Friends of Nadir Khan Kasi Educational & Development Society in Karachi.
NED Society made friends who agreed to try their level best to clean the Sea View area how much possible according to their strength. This is the first light in the dark that these youngsters agreed to work for the beauty of beach and remove the waste from the beach also make campaign not to spread garbage on Sea view instead of this they must be aware people to use dustbin laying near the road.
Cantonment Board Clifton (CBC) trying their level best to remove waste from the Sea View and beach that visitors can not feel bad due to unclean beach. The staff of CBC are duty full and never leave a stone unturned their effort had been appreciated by NED Society, the second session of Saving Marine Life program of NED Society put result full impact on the people who visit Sea view and we are lucky enough to delivered our massage. Social Activist, NGOs, Civil Societies must appreciated the efforts of CBC and DHA who are providing that much facilities to our people providing clean and healthy environment and a beautiful view to those people who suffered from load shading, strikes, mobile snatching and other domestic problems will forget their every burden and take a fresh breath in fresh environment.
Cleaning beaches is not only an issue in Pakistan also European and American countries are suffering from this issue, but they are always try their level best to make clean their beaches for the purpose they arrange seminars, collect founds and prepared volunteers to take part to save marine life and their beaches.
Lets hope that our people will also take part, give their time and make our beaches free of waste and garbage and make campaign for the awareness of people to stop spreading waste on Sea View and beaches for the sake of clean environment, natural beauty and marine life.
A Public Service Massage from Nadir Khan Kasi Educational & Development Society. NEDS (Reg:)
Visit of Volunteers of Nadir
Khan Kasi Educational & Development Society at Sea View Karachi to protect,
save Marine Life and Pollution of Sea. For the purpose above the volunteers had
distributed posters among the visitors who come to see and enjoy the beauty of
beach. The main aim was to tell the visitors to maintain the natural beauty of
Sea View and can not pollute the sea and beach to save the Marine life and
environment.The NED Society told the participents that Ocean is downstream of
everything, so all of our actions, no matter where we live, effect the ocean
and the marine life it holds. Those who live right on the coastline will have
the most direct impact on the ocean, but even if you live far inland, there are
many things you can do that will help marine life.
What is the problem? Plastic stays around for hundreds of years, can be a hazard
to wildlife and leaches toxins into the environment. The solution?
Stop using so much plastic. Buy things with less packaging, don't use
disposable items and use reusable bags instead of plastic ones wherever
Trash in the environment can be
hazardous to marine life, and people too! Help clean up a local beach, park or
roadway and pick up that litter before it gets into the marine environment.
Even trash hundreds of miles from the ocean can eventually float or blow into
the ocean. The International Coastal Cleanup is one way to get involved - that is a cleanup that
occurs each September. You can also contact your local coastal zone management
office or department of environmental protection to see if they organize any
Release Balloons
Balloons may look pretty when you
release them, but they are a danger to wildlife, who can swallow them
accidentally, mistake them for food, or get tangled up in their strings. After
your party, pop the balloons and throw them in the trash instead of releasing
of Fishing Line Responsibly
Monofilament fishing line takes about
600 years to degrade. If left in the ocean, it can provide an entangling web
that threatens whales, pinnipeds
and fish (including the fish people like to catch and eat). Never discard your
fishing line into the water - dispose of it responsibly by recycling
it if you can, or into the garbage.
or Work With Marine Life
Maybe you work with marine life
already, or are studying to become a marine biologist. Even if working with marine life isn't your career path,
you can volunteer. If you live near the coast, volunteer opportunities may be
easy to find. If not, you can volunteer on field expeditions such as those
offered by Earthwatch
as Debbie, our guide to insects,
has done, where she learned about sea turtles,
wetlands and giant clams!
Give a gift that will help marine
life. Memberships and honorary donations to non-profit organizations that
protect marine life can be a great gift. How about a basket of
environmentally-friendly bath or cleaning products, or a gift certificate And
when you wrap your gift - be creative and use something that can be re-used,
like a beach towel, dish towel, basket or gift bag.

Clean Beaches
We want to enjoy clean beaches when we go to recreate at the beach, whether it is so that the water is clean, or even if we just want to relax and soak up some sunshine. Who wants to sit on a dirty beach or worse get injured by stepping on a broken glass bottle?2. Save Wildlife
Keep debris from killing wildlife. Marine animals can mistake trash for food and many have died from consuming plastic bags, fireworks debris, and cigarette butts.3. Local Economy
Keep our beaches as an ideal tourist attraction to continue the stream of tourism revenue that supports our community.Thursday, February 7, 2013
Two teenager Boxers are Awarded Prizes by NED Society
Town teenager Boxers Kazafi and Zubair are awarded cash prizes by NED Society on their remarkable participation in different tournaments and also on the selection in WAPDA for scholarship for high studies. NED Society realized their efforts and promote them to continue their hard work for their better future and glory of their country.
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